La Nuova Sardegna

Nuova Estate English
La Nuov@ Estate – English version

Insula-Sardinia Quality World - Rally, aquabike, powerboat F1. major sporting events create tourism

by Giandomenico Mele
Una gara di F1 della motonautica in Costa Smeralda
Una gara di F1 della motonautica in Costa Smeralda

A network was born composed of 4 and 5 star hotels connected to the Insula platform

19 agosto 2023

Active and sports tourism, a journey to discover nature trails including trekking, bridleways, biking and climbing. Not forgetting the great open-air sporting events such as the 2023 Aquabike world stages, the Rally of Italy-Sardinia and the F1 of motorboating. What better opportunity to tell the story of Sardinia through sport and physical activity accompanied by experience, that combined arrangement that goes by the name of active tourism and is an integral part of the identity and sustainable tourism formula, where the sea is only one of many attractions. There is also this important asset at the basis of the activity carried out by the Insula-Sardinia Quality World network: the institutional technical tool created within Cipnes Gallura, Northeast Sardinia Provincial Industrial Consortium and the regional department of Tourism, Commerce and Handicrafts. An evolved network capable of providing the regional business system and all partner entities with strategic services in marketing, logistics, training, internationalization and commercial distribution. “A journey to discover a world called Sardinia”, is the slogan that accompanies the entire programmatic action that has at its center the implementation project Sardinia Discovery Journey. And one of the most important assets is precisely that of active tourism. And it is a world, the one enclosed within the Island, that is being made to be discovered by tourists, who are no longer in search of simple places to visit, but attentive to the experiences and emotions that those places are able to transmitting. This trend, highlighted by the strong interest in recent years for wine and gastronomic tourism, but which is also accompanied by sports and all the sporting events hosted on Sardinian soil, confirms the need for an increasing specialization of businesses, accommodation facilities and the entire tourist offer, in a local and identity key. According to a report published by Arival, the “Experience Revolution 2020 Report”, experiential tourism is the third largest budget item for vacation spending after flights and hotels, with a value of $254 billion. In order to be able to convey the storytelling of Sardinia and tell the true Sardinian soul, the creation of this large network composed of 4 and 5 star hotels connected to Insula's platform was promoted, which is in charge of developing all thematic events in hotels and coordinates the marketing and distribution of Sardinia's identity productions. The destination Sardinia is told through the thematic events to be experienced inside the hotels partnering in the Insula program and the experiential tours to discover the places where to get to know the island by doing sports and having fun.

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