La Nuova Sardegna

Nuova Estate English
La Nuov@ Estate – English version

Florinas, a green treasure chest of archaeological sites

by Franco Cuccuru
Florinas, a green treasure chest of archaeological sites

The town can boast a dozen of domus de Janas, thirty nuraghi and a tomb of Giants


Located between Logudoro and Sassarese, Florinas is a town of about 1,500 inhabitants, nestled in a mostly hilly area. The area is a true archaeological park with a dozen domus de Janas, about thirty nuraghi and a Giants' tomb. In the Middle Ages it became part of the Giudicato of Logudoro and chief town of the curatoria of Florinas. It came into the possession of the Dorias and soon passed into the hands of the Malaspinas, who decided to fortify it by having a castle built there. With the entry of the Aragonese, the village was ceded, as a feud, and along with the entire barony of Ploaghe, to Serafino di Montagnara. Among the vestiges of the past of greatest historical-architectural interest are: the beautiful church of San Francesco, with its gabled facade adorned with a rayed rose window over a gable portal; remains of Roman tombs complete with grave goods. Located in the urban fabric along with the church of St. Francis are the Assumption of the Virgin Mary parish with precious paintings by Baccio Gorini inside, Our Lady of the Rosary, Santa Croce with splendid retables. Three other churches are present in the Florinas countryside, the recently renovated Romanesque church Sant'Antonio Abate (Sant'Antoni de Briai), San Leonardo partially accessible and deconsecrated, and the church of San Martino now a ruin. As anticipated the territory of Florinas is rich in archaeological sites, among 43 nuraghi and 33 Domus de Janas, there are several hypogeic prospect tombs and some nuragic sanctuaries. The most important ones are worth mentioning, the Nuragic Sanctuary of Punta Unossi (with meeting hall) and the Nuragic Sanctuary of Giorrè. To access the latter site, a pedestrian archaeological trail was inaugurated last year: an old mule track that, with a walk surrounded by nature, leads to several archaeological sites (Ipogeo su Carralzu, Ipogeo s'iscala de casu) before arriving right at the sanctuary of Giorrè. In a field site is the Corvos nuraghe of complex type consisting of a main tower and a bastion with two secondary towers. The nuragic monument is very dear to the people of Florinas.
Florinas has an important role in the cultural aspect, the care of traditions. It is no coincidence that there are many associations in existence and there are 18 that organize important events throughout the year. It has a Pro Loco and a Youth Council both very active. Among the most important events are the folklore festival of traditional dances and songs “Figulinas Festival” now in its 33rd edition, the review of traditional choirs, the literary festival “Florinas in giallo”, “Motoincontro”, “Dae Chentina in Chentina” food and wine event, “Palio degli asini”, “Raduno 500”. «In addition to the various events, Florinas focuses a lot on outdoor tourism, with the 12-hole Golf Course (Pitch & Putt) attracting several enthusiasts from all over the European continent – says Mayor Enrico Lobino –. For outdoor tourism a few years ago the Ena e Littu Park was inaugurated. With us a guest is sacred and when after a short stay, he leaves our small village, he does so reluctantly and says goodbye saying, “I will surely come back”».

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