La Nuova Sardegna

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Candlesticks and horses a summer in celebration

by Mauro Tedde
Candlesticks and horses a summer in celebration

Among the most anticipated events “s'essida dei ceri in Nulvi” and the suggestive ring race in the center of Osilo

19 agosto 2023

In the month of August in all the centers of Anglona is a joyous succession of patronal festivals and feasts, many of them legacies of the ancient religious and civil celebrations linked to the conclusion of the agricultural year and the due thanksgiving for the harvest as well as the propitiation of the patron saints for the beginning of the new year that will open in the month of September, which is not by chance called Cabidanni. Examples are the beautiful patronal festivals of Santa Margherita in Laerru on July 20, the one in honor of San Pantaleo on July 27 in Martis and the one in honor of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Perfugas on August 2. Also celebrated are attractive events also linked to the agro-pastoral world, such as the spectacular Osilo ring race, scheduled for August 12, which has its roots in the centuries-old equestrian tradition that this community has been able to preserve unchanged over time. It consists of a test of equestrian skill where the rider launched at full gallop must try to thread one of three rings suspended along the course with a wooden swords. Documented since 1926, the osilese joust has over the years become a regional reference point for the rediscovery of the equestrian traditions of Sardinia and has opened a fruitful exchange relationship with similar equestrian competitions such as that of Narni, which has led to the twinning does the two villages, also becoming part of the “European Network of Ring Races”. For this year's edition, in fact, national and international delegations of the Network will be present as well as riders from Oristano and Narni. «The commitment of the municipality – explains the mayor of Osilo and president of the Union of Municipalities of Anglona Giovanni Ligios – is to make this year's edition even better, capable of intercepting the interest of fans and visitors. Another great popular festival is “Sa Essida” of the candlesticks of Nulvi held on August 14, the eve of the “Festa dell'Assunta”, patron saint of this ancient agricultural center of Anglona. The three giant votive candles of Nulvi made of reeds and papier-mâché on a wooden base still have the characteristic tabernacle or altarpiece shape, unlike the candles of Sassari and Ploaghe, which are shaped like foil. The spectacular procession begins in the early afternoon when the three candlesticks “come out” still divided into their two components (the pedestals and the tabernacles) from the church of San Filippo that has been guarding them all year, Once assembled and blessed by the parish priest begins their mad dash on the shoulders of dozens of bearers of the three labor guilds (shepherds, artisans and farmers) through the streets of the historic center between two wings of exultant crowds. A path fraught with difficulties that ends at sunset with the entrance of the three grandiose candles into the parish church of the Assumption for the dissolution of the vow and where they will act as a crown throughout the octavary to the sleeping Virgin who will be enthroned immediately afterwards by the twelve apostles. Nulvi has always celebrated this patronal feast day with a rich program of events that goes on throughout August.

Chiaramonti venerates St. Matthew as its patron saint (the feast day is September 21), but Chiaramonti's August is full of events including the international folklore festival scheduled for August 10 and a stage of the “Musica sulle bocche” festival (August 11), which this year will also make stops in Bulzi (two stages in the church of San Pietro delle Immagini), Tergu (with Claudia Crabuzza), Nulvi and Martis. And in Martis from July 30 until August 5 the sixth edition of the CineMartist film festival is scheduled. Sedini, on the other hand, is devoted to St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30), but Sedini's summer is also full of events such as the charity food event “Nonsologioga” scheduled for August12. In Erula, this year's August 8 marks the 35th anniversary of municipal autonomy, and on August 22 it will be celebrated with music and entertainment by Gabry Ponte. Finally, Tergu celebrates its patronal feast on September 8 with the great festival of Nostra Signora di Tergu, patron saint of Anglona.

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